Steve’s Snippets 18 June 2003


Well, its here at last !!

The last regular edition of Steve’s Snippets for this Rotary Year……

I must say I wondered (sometimes hoped) when this time would come. Well it has and after the changeover edition of the bulletin you will have the privilege of reading “Keiths Komments” or whatever Keith decides to call his weekly communication with “you lot”. At the beginning of the year I wondered if I would ever be able to find enough things to write about, discuss with you or issues put forward my views on.

Well, things seem to have developed OK because once we got going there were always issues  challenges to work through, projects to undertake or stuff ups to fix, including my legendary “foot in mouth disease”

Tonite, our last regular meeting promises to be special because we get to thank our sponsors, our volunteers and of course our members for the wonderful cooperative effort that ensured the success of our inaugural bike ride on Sunday May 4th.

I’m sure Jenny Phelps from The Children’s Medical Research Institute, the recipient of the funds received will also be a very happy lady too…..

Perhaps some of you may be wondering why we’re making such as fuss over this one event.

Firstly, we made good money on our first attempt and we know we can do a lot better in future

Secondly, we had 450 riders first up which is an excellent result for this type of event, and properly promoted we believe we can continue to grow into the thousands

Thirdly, it’s an excellent way for Rotary and our club in particular connecting with and involving our local and wider community and

Finally, its an event that very effectively utilises the varied and many talents and contacts of our members, and requires true fellowship and cooperation to succeed……..

And, it’s a unique event in Sydney

Also tonite those members who ordered those excellent jackets from Peter Cipolla will be able to pick them up. They’re an absolute bargain at $67.50.

While on reminders please make sure you complete the commitment sheet for the changeover FRIDAY WEEK, and remember there IS NO MEETING ON WEDNESDAY next week.

And, for those absent last week the fun run on June 29th has been cancelled, due to resourcing and time difficulties within the club

In closing I would like to make special mention of three people who work with me every week in the production of the bulletin.

Firstly, Bulletin Editor Vicki Wybrow who under difficult personal circumstances has performed superbly, always ensuring the bulletin is prepared properly, has the right content including birthdays, future speakers, reports on the previous meeting and of course a few funnies.  Thanks Vicki, and good luck for the coming year in the same role.

 Secondly, Kevin Freund, for preparing the bulletin for a number of months while Vicki was ill, as well as being Secretary, as well as being an integral part of the bike ride organisation. Kevin can always be relied on (perhaps too much sometimes) to help out) Thank you Kev and good luck also on another year as Secretary.

Lastly, and by no means least, Past President Ray McCluskie, who arguably  prepares the best Rotary web site in AUSTRALIA. Its fantastic, easy to navigate, informative, ALWAYS up to date and always on time. Believe me fellows Ray makes us look great in Cyberspace.

Thanks everyone, its been a privilege and an honour to serve you as President




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Last Update Wednesday June 25, 2003