Steve’s Snippets 24 July 2002

As I indicated in the last bulletin, I had four (4) nights out with Rotary last week. Each was different, an interesting changeover at Concord, an enthusiastic first board meeting on Tuesday to plan our coming year, a great meeting on Wednesday night with Peter Harries’ terrific travelogue, and then finally the District meeting of Presidents (with the DG of course) on Friday night, with Keith Stockall also attending with the other Club Service Directors.

Now I know Rotary can be a hassle at times, costly, and demanding of our time, and sometimes we ALL get a bit jaded with the same things happening year after year but truly; and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, when you see the enthusiasm of some Rotarians (from clubs big and small) and the work they are doing in their communities it really gets your morale and enthusiasm to do something positive back.

The moral get out and visit some other clubs and see what they are achieving, get on a District committee or volunteer for Pres. Elect Keith’s board next year.

On membership issues, I was reminded on Friday evening that our own Australian Rotary Health Research Foundation was started by one man, Bob Scott from the Rotary Club of Mornington in Victoria He convinced his club to set up a charitable foundation for medical research, eventually his club convinced his District, and eventually that District convinced all the districts in Australia to contribute. The rest is history.

BUT, and this is a biggy, what might have happened (or not happened) if Bob Scott had not been invited to become a Rotarian. Please fellows think about it !!!!!

Apologies to Angelo, Sal, Euan and our fundraising committee for the wrong date for our "Night for Children" I know Euan and his committee are currently looking at new dates and I’m sure a new date will be announced soon.

I also hope the changed date for our "Yulefest" weekend (August 24-25) will not inconvenience too many members.

Sow the seeds (of membership) everybody



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