Steve’s Snippets 12 February 2003


Congratulations to Sal Tosto for the excellent work done in organising the purchase of a number of tanks of water and arranging there delivery to the drought stricken communities of the far west of NSW. Sal’s efforts very much complement the good work done by our club members for our bush appeal over Xmas.

Well, this week is our last regular meeting for two weeks, next week being of course a transfer meeting to THURSDAY EVENING FEB 20th for our Golf Day as Strathfield Golf Club.

I know Niall king and his committee have done a great deal of work to make this night a success so please ensure your numbers are in this week if possible.

Regarding our upcoming GSE visit please disregard everything I have told you so far. (Some of you do already I’m sure)

The GSE team from Scotland are arriving now on FRIDAY MARCH 7th, and the combined meeting of Burwood, Concord and Strathfield will now be at BURWOOD RSL on MONDAY MARCH 10th at 6.30 pm for 7.00pm.

Due to this stuffup change by our District Chairman our meeting will now transfer to Burwood on that night, which is four days before our Gala fundraiser on FRIDAY MARCH 14th.

The meeting of WEDNESDAY MARCH 12th is transferred of course as noted above, and the meeting of WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th will remain as normal.

I apologise for these changes but hope you will adjust your diaries accordingly.

Due to some of our transfer meetings the speaker from the Children’s wing at Westmead, who we are supporting on our Gala night, is having to be rescheduled. Revised details of speakers should be available from Brian Hennell tonight.

Finally, sincere thanks to all our members for giving my wife Denise such a warm welcome for her guest speakers segment last week. She very much appreciated.

Have a great week everyone and please keep those fundraiser tickets and raffle tickets coming along







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Last Update Monday February 10, 2003