Steve’s Snippets 11 December



Firstly, a very merry Xmas to all members and partners. Denise and I wish you a peaceful and relaxing festive season, and that you enjoy the two week break from Rotary. It is hard to believe that the Rotary year is virtually half over, and if you think it’s been busy so far (and it has) just wait for the next six months.

Secondly, congratulations to President elect (elect) Keith Byrn and the new board for 2003-2004 of Keith Byrn, Kevin Beltrame, Peter Van der Sleesen, Peter Harries,   Brian Johnson, and Roy Schmidt.

I am sure under Keith Stockall’s leadership next year and this team the club will go from strength to strength.

Thirdly, I appreciated the input and discussion from members during our very difficult Club Assembly last week.

For those members not present, and partners not yet aware, the members by a significant margin voted to change our meeting location to Strathfield Golf Club commencing January 22nd next year. Our final meeting at the bowling club will be our traditional bowls night on January 15th, which I am hoping will be a pleasurable evening of fond memories and good times had. When we move our new dinner fees will be $22.00 for a served two course meal and coffee.

Obviously, the decision to move was a difficult one but considering the catering problems we had endured, the existing situation could not remain unremedied. My sincere thanks to Keith Stockall for his handling of the difficult discussions with the bowling club and his efforts in looking at alternative venues.

Our first meeting back in the New Year will be our traditional restaurant outing, and this year I am hoping it will be at Axi’s restaurant at Hunters Hill (Eric Khu’s son in law) on Wednesday Jan 8th. This will be confirmed prior to our last meeting on the 18th. This last meeting of the year will be a casual evening (no guest speaker) and a BBQ put on by the club.

Tonite, I would ask you to give your earnest final consideration to either your cash or goods donation to our "Helping the bush" campaign through the Rotary Club of Moree and The Salvo’s in Moree.

Any cheques or cash, and goods (hampers, wine, bottled water, tinned goods, children’s toys, or health care and personal products etc) should be delivered to the South Strathfield Bowling Club by no later …… THAN THURSDAY AFTERNOON – PLEASE !!.

Cheques should be made to Salvation Army- Moree, and a tax deductible receipt will be issued.

Brian Johnson has very generously offered to drive the donated material directly to Moree on Friday morning. Any donation is gratefully appreciated, and I am pleased we will be able to help our country cousins in some small way.

Sincere thanks to the usual suspects under the direction of Joe Campisi, (and of course BBQ Queen Shirley) for the organisation of a very successful Carols by Candlelight last Saturday evening. Notwithstanding that we couldn’t have fireworks (or even candles) due to the fire bans, the night was wonderful with some excellent community singing lead by PP Peter Foss, the choir and Leichardt celebrity brass band. I hope Treasurer Peter will have details of funds raised tonite.

This is also a final plea for ALL members to return their SOLD raffle tickets for our Xmas stocking which will be drawn on Sat 21st December at Strathfield Plaza.

I think that’s enough for tonite. Enjoy yourselves everyone, and please join me for our informal Xmas festivities next week. (I think Xmas carol singing under PP Peter’s direction might be on the agenda.

There will be a small bulletin next week with updates on next year’s activities.

Merry Xmas all

Steve and Denise

PS. No bike news this week (and the tennis comp is over too), we are having a we rest from riding as well, and letting our still tender rear ends recover. Photo’s of Taupo next week.


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Last Update Monday December 16, 2002