Steve’s Snippets 11 September 2002

Last week I remarked on what a great organisation Rotary is. This week I still reckon the organisation is great, but they forget to tell Presidents about the ups and downs that come with the job.

Firstly the good news.

Congratulations to our new member Kevin Beltrame, who was my first, but hopefully not last new member for this year. I’m sure Kevin will enjoy Rotary in our friendly active club.

Congratulations also to Kevin Freund, who at very short notice has agreed to take on the Secretary’s role in the club.

Congratulations to Ted Ingall, who actually volunteered to be our songleader, and acquitted himself very well. Thank God somebody out there can carry a tune.

Finally, thanks to Sal and Euan for arranging a good price with Le Montage for our Friday March 14th 2003 ""Evening for Children". Members may be assured the price will be CONSIDERABLY cheaper than the $250 a double to the Mayoral Ball last weekend. Preparations are going very well for the event with some exciting prizes and auctions to be revealed soon.

OK, on to the sad stuff.

Unfortunately I had to accept Secretary Shane Smallwood’s resignation from the Club last week. Shane was a good member of over 15 years standing, and participated in many areas of the Rotary World, particularly at district level. His assistance and friendship will be greatly missed. Shane is apparently relocating to Queensland on October 1st. That’s unfortunately all I know at this stage.

As members will also be aware, we are currently in discussion with Sydney Olympic Park Authority to clarify some of the problems that occurred at this year’s Fun Run. Keith Stockall, Kevin Freund and I will be meeting with SOPA shortly to sort out these problems, confirm arrangements for this year’s Family Bike Ride, and Fun Run, and try to institute some procedures to ensure the events run more smoothly in the future.

The Board has, however, confirmed that the Secretary should receive copies of ANY correspondence sent out by members relating to Rotary business.

Thanks to Allan Teale, Burt and Carol Houston and Anne and Roy Schmidt for joining Denise and myself at the Strathfield Mayoral Ball held at the Town Hall last Saturday evening.

It was an interesting evening in the lovely, old, but recently renovated, Town Hall, with proceeds going to Rev. Bill Cruise’s Exodus Foundation. Mayor Virginia’s extensive and wide ranging talk even included some newly-written poetry for the night. MC for the evening was our own Ian Albertson.

Congratulations also to (a much poorer) Alan and Adrienne Taylor on the marriage of their daughter last Saturday night. Alan was supposedly on the cycling sick list (suspected Alcoholic poisoning, self-inflicted) last Sunday and Euan Watson should have been.

Shame on Graham True for enticing new cycling superstar Rod McDougall down the coast for the weekend. Rod has now missed the group two weeks in a row. He’s now going to have to work extra hard to keep up with BJ and Bill Carney who are starting to really rack up the kilometres. The Pres meanwhile is almost ready to give up cycling after suffering two punctures again, and needing to be picked up also for the second week.

By the time you read this we will have held another board meeting, the third at the very generous Stockall household. The Pres. is very pleased to report that board meetings from now on will revert to the Taylor House, due to the thankfully imminent completion of the extensions and renovations. This may also mean I might be able to find things around the house again and may be in better humour, although please don’t ask me to shout for the next 100 years or so.

Have a peaceful and uneventful week everybody.

Steve, the unsuccessful cyclist.


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Last Update Thursday September 26, 2002