President's Pieces  

7 July 2004

Greetings Fellows,

This week will be my first Club Assembly and I am looking forward to a good attendance as this is your opportunity to offer your input as to our Club’s direction for the coming year.

“IT’S ON” – the District Golf Tournament.

Ray Wilson has had an idea to resurrect the District Golf Tournament, and after some initial research Ray will mould this tournament into a must for golfers each year. The basic format will be a great social event but there will be some serious golf to be played with the winner going home with the “John Taylor Memorial Trophy”. Congratulations Ray, more social events such as this is what we need to “Celebrate Rotary”.

A reminder for your diaries is the visit to our club from DG Lloyd Roever on the 21/7/2004. Lloyd will outline his vision for the 2004/2005 year and I am sure you will be interested in what he has to say.

Thanks go to our Conference Chairman, Ted Ingall. Ted has begun initial negotiations for accommodation for the conference in Canberra in March 2005 (18/3 – 20/3). Please give attending the conference your serious consideration as this a great time to combine the important time for Rotary with great fellowship and fun.

Our “Centenary of Rotary” celebrations on the 23rd February 2005 should prove to be a great event. As we meet normally on that night we have invited Burwood Club to join us at our own venue for the evening.

My personal thanks go to Sal Tosto for accepting to be Raffles Chairman again this year. As you know Sal has been extremely generous with his time and donations of prizes over the last year. I would like to ask all members for their assistance by offering donations of prizes, no matter how small to lighten the load. I am sure we can all help in some way.

It was pleasing to have such a good attendance at last weeks meeting, thank you Fellows.

My appreciation goes to our new Bulletin Editor, Angelo Franco. I know Angelo will continue to produce a quality bulletin for us each week. If you have any items that you would like included in the bulletin please send it to Angelo by Sunday evening to have included in that weeks bulletin.



President Keith


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Last Update Monday July 05, 2004