President's Pieces  

4 May2005


Greetings Fellows, 

When it comes to organizing events, this Club is outstanding.

Anzac day saw a number of Rotarians, families and guests attend the annual breakfast and ceremony at Cape Cabarita. There were a huge number of medals on display, being proudly worn by both people who had earned medals or by family members of those who have served this great. country.

The organizers of this event were Bert & Carol Houston, assisted by Euan & Leedy Watson, Ann & Peter Manenti and Joe Campisi who did an excellent job on the BBQ.

Well done & thank you to all who assisted.

On Sunday we held our “WSFM Bike the Park” event at Olympic Park.

I am as yet uncertain of official numbers but I would guess that it would have been in the vicinity of 700 entrants.

Once again, the organizing committee, marshals, BBQ cooks, registration helpers all did an outstanding job.


Rod McDougall, Steve Taylor, Kevin Freund, Euan Watson, Bert Houston, Keith Stockall should take a bow for their efforts in making this annual bike ride the success that it is.

I am sure that some people will take a well earned “break” after months of constant organising,

I am certain that we will be backing bigger and better than ever next year to support another worthwhile charity.

As the details become available we will inform everyone of how much we raised to assist research into cystic Fibrosis.

Fellows after finding the Quickshade that had “disappeared” in an unused shower in my factory, I have decided that I will become the Club’s new “Gear Chairman”.

I intend to keep an accurate record of the equipment that we own as well as keep details of its location.

And yes I do expect to pay a fine for forgetting where the Quickshade was.

Last week we were given an insight into the devastation left behind by the Tsunami by Dr. Mick Campion.

This was an incredible and moving talk, I am sure all that heard it will agree.

Well Fellows that’s all for now,

Until next week,




President Keith


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