President's Pieces  

2 February 2005


Greetings Fellows,

Welcome back once again after our break last week for the Australia Day holiday.

I hope that everyone enjoyed their celebrations wherever they may have been.

Firstly congratulations to Bill Carney on being elected Mayor of Strathfield. Well done Bill I am sure that you will do a splendid job!

A couple of reminders of important dates for your diary that require your support. Thursday February 17th is the Golf Day in support of the TRISH Foundation, please contact Niall King for further information.

Wednesday February 23rd is our combined clubs Rotary Centenary Celebration evening. This will be a fantastic event as Ray McCluskie and his team have put in an enormous effort to put together this once in a lifetime event.

As I have previously mentioned we will be collecting for the victims of the tsunami. At this moment we have been unable to contact directly the Rotary Clubs in the affected areas but hope to have that contact in the future.

Unless we can be assured that our donations are 100% secure and used only for directly helping the victims I will be seeking advice from District at the upcoming Presidents meeting on Friday night.

One thing that has come to my attention is that Father Chris Riley is currently overseas doing some great work with the victims in the needy areas and that perhaps we could utilize the expertise of Father Chris and his team to disburse our funds. At least we would be assured that the donations would be used wisely. Please let me know what you think.

That’s all for now, more next week and until then,



President Keith


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Last Update Sunday January 30, 2005