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The President's Piece 2 July 2003


Week one of the new Rotary Year begins.

I thought it might take me a few weeks to get used to the routine matters normally attended to by the President. However it’s Sunday night and I am quickly reminded of the first thing to get used to, is that of writing my “piece” for the bulletin.

To those members who attended the changeover meeting last Friday night I trust you enjoyed the evening, as I did. The meeting was well attended by members and with many guests of members.

Past District Governor John Wakefield & Susan arrived at the club but unfortunately PDG John was unwell and had to leave before the meeting commenced. Other special guests who attended were District Governor Warwick Tester and Lyn, PDG Harry Pickett and Lilian, PDG David Croft and Margaret, Stan and Beryl Williams,

Mrs. McDonald, Tim Lynne, President, Rotary Club of Moree Gwyder and Robert Mathews, Community Service Director, Rotary Club of Moree Gwyder.

Congratulations to George Helou on receiving a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow and to both Kevin Freund and Sal Tosto for their Paul Harris Fellows.

The two visiting Rotarians from Moree were impressed with the friendly manner in which our club received them and spoke of their appreciation on behalf of the Salvation Army in Moree for the cash and goods which Brian Johnson delivered to Moree in December and were suitably impressed with the additional $3,500 presented to them by President Stephen, oops sorry, Past President Stephen.

On Saturday night Lillian and I attended the District Changeover at Rooty Hill Convention Centre, together with Past President Stephen and Denise and PDG David and Margaret.

On Sunday morning between 7.30 and 9.00 a.m. I conducted a dawn patrol at Bicentennial Park with Stephen Taylor, Kevin Beltrame and Kevin Freund. The purpose was to meet people arriving at the Park intending to enter the Fun Run and explain that the event had been cancelled. There were a total of 25 people who arrived to enter, most were understanding when we spoke to them and explained the circumstances leading to the cancellation.

On Monday night I attended the Rotary Club of Burwood Changeover with Past Present Stephen.

This week’s meeting is the traditional Club assembly, providing members with an opportunity to have their say in an open forum situation.

The dues for the six months July to December 2003 have been set at $110.00 plus GST, total amount payable being $121.00.







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Last Update Tuesday July 01, 2003