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President Thaya's Message

20 April 2022




My fellow Rotarians and friends of Rotary,


The Rotary Club of Strathfield will continue to demonstrate our value by staying connected to our members and responding to changing needs in the community. Our club uses new and different club models to attract diverse leaders to our Rotary Club. 

Clubs around the world approach membership in very different ways. Recognizing and acting on the unique needs, customs, and changes in your community will enhance your ability to bring in new members and inspire existing ones.

In summary, we use the following methods to enhance the quality and increase the quality of our membership in order to grow as a club and add value to our community:

  • Work with a strategic plan.

  • Focus on strategies for retention and recruitment.

  • Engage current members through service and fellowship.

  • Connect with prospective members at every opportunity.

  • Make new members feel welcome and involved.

  • Stay current and develop adaptability and agility.

Under the leadership of our club service director, Past President Arie Pappas, we have six new members joining our club this week, in addition to the four new members who joined during the first half of our Rotary year. I am confident the following six new members will be a great asset to the Rotary movement and particularly to our club, the Rotary Club of Strathfield.

Thomas D'Souza - Proposed by PP Arie Pappas

One of the directors of Clixpert, a Parramatta-based social media company. He has been helping us with the social media based Mind Your Health program, and he is also a social worker and a musician. He offers digital consultancy for your marketing or promotional campaign across the internet. 

Paula Nicolas  - Proposed by Nalla Hall

A local social activist and the President of St. Merkorious Charity. She has participated in all our recent functions. St Merkorious Charity specialises in food services, giving out cooked meals, fresh fruit and vegetables, and dry goods hampers.

Kavitha Sankaran - Proposed by PP Rod McDougall

Kavitha is a local bank manager of Bendigo Bank Homebush and is looking forward to serving the local community together with the Rotary Club of Strathfield. A local resident and her whole board of Bendigo Bank is supporting Kavitha to build a strategic synergy with the Rotary Club of Strathfield to serve our community.

Pallavi Sinha - Proposed by IPP Usha Garg

She is a multi-award winning lawyer and notary public who was named to the AFR and Westpac 100 Women of Influence lists. She has served on several boards, including the NSW Ministerial Council for Women's Economic Opportunity, the Multicultural Consultation Council of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. A well-known social activist who championed gender equality.

James Cook - Proposed by PP Arie Pappas

An American who now resides in the area and a corporate executive who was a Rotarian while working in Thailand.

Aruna Chandrala - Proposed by PP Arie Pappas

A prominent local community leader of the Indian (Telungu) community and a political election candidate for the Upper House in 2019.

Although James and Aruna are joining our club this week, they will both be inducted later as they are overseas.


As one of the most effective clubs, the Rotary Club of Strathfield reflects the demographics of the communities we serve. The club's goal is to increase the number of women, young professionals, and members of various ethnic groups. The Rotary Club of Strathfield brings together diverse perspectives to address the needs of our communities more creatively. As a diverse club, we also have greater credibility in our communities, a wider range of skills, increased volunteer resources, expanded leadership prospects, and enhanced fundraising potential. Our club focuses on diversity in order to bring unity through diversity amongst the community we serve.

Without reinventing the wheel, we adapt the following diversity assessment questions developed by Rotary International to grow our club with a stable membership development program:

  • What is the gender balance of our club?

  • How many of your club's members are under the age of 40?

  • Is the ethnic makeup of your community represented in your club?

  • Do your club's leaders reflect the diversity that one would expect based on its members?

  • Different perspectives are welcomed.

  • Be open to suggestions.

  • Consider all perspectives.

  • Be creative and make it fun.

Strong membership enables our club to do good in your local community and around the world. A strong membership also raises the public's awareness of Rotary and increases support for The Rotary Foundation and its programs. As you can see, building membership is a top priority for the Rotary Club of Strathfield.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"    - Winston Churchill


Rotary Service to You

Thaya Ponniah

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Last Update Saturday April 23, 2022