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8 July 2020


Dear fellows,

What a wonderful start to the year. A warm welcome to the incoming Board of Strathfield Rotary Club. Good to see all in good health.

Last meeting I had the honour to share the reigns and responsibility of this wonderful club with our new board and the opportunity to plan for the year ahead. It was a great pleasure to introduce a board with members coming from different backgrounds armed with illustrious educational credentials and extensive experiences in different fields.

This year's Rotary theme is "Rotary Opens Opportunities". Interesting coincidence as this year we have no choice but to open new doors and we will. The Directors are keenly looking for members to expand their teams.

The board met yesterday (Tuesday 7 July) and based on the responses to the survey, took the decision to start in-person meetings from the 5th of August on a alternate basis ie. in-person meetings alternating with a zoom meeting.

Also discussed was the question and challenges of raising revenue this year. Besides the opportunity to tap into the grants and community funding available, the option of an innovative style of raffles is on the cards. Equally important, is prudence in the use of funds that we raise.

This year (20-21) is an important year for us. We have reached our 50th year as a club - a very important landmark. A big year for celebration and connecting with and commending all our charter members who had the vision of creating this club that has contributed so positively over these years. We owe this celebration to many people, to us and to the Strathfield community.

The District Website (click) has been updated and all members are encouraged to make use of the information available there as the first point of reference. The District Directory and the District Organisation Chart is also available for all Rotarians to access from the website. For those who may want to delve further go to the District mylearning web page (click)

This week we will hear from our new board members and some Committee chairs as to how they plan to make the year interesting and worthwhile.

Yours in Rotary

Usha Garg

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Last Update Tuesday July 07, 2020