Grahame True with Penny

President 2008-9

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President Electric's Lines

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Last week it was great to hear of Terry’s recent adventures, such fun and family bonding. Terry stepped in at short notice and proved again that some of our best speakers come from within the club – thanks Terry.

President elect Kevin and I had a pow-wow on Thursday night to make sure of an easy transition between boards, we feel it will be smooth sailing.

A fabulous day on Saturday at Concord Oval for the rugby, as usual P.P. Doug was a perfect host assisted by P.P. Terry the perfect bar man. A wonderful afternoon for the rugby desperates.

Strathfield Rotary has been blessed to have members so enthusiastic in the cause of the Salvation Army’s’ Red Shield Appeal – firstly P.P. George Hallworth followed by Peter Smith. Thankyou to all who helped on Sunday for the appeal – a huge effort. Early figures show $22,000.00 has been collected in our area, our board has decided to kick in $500 which will increase this figure to $22,500.00, well done all.

Thursday 28th May is the last fellowship dinner for my year. P.P. Steve has done a great job in rallying us to enjoy these culinary delights. Let him know if you wish to attend, the more the merrier!

An email from Laura (last years exchange student) is always a pleasure to read. Penny and I have been watching her progress as she had been part of our family. Laura is finishing her schooling in France and still has plans to expand on her English language abilities.

The commitment sheet for the change over dinner will be circulating tonight, please give this your attention.

Tonight we welcome Kirk Wilson as our guest speaker. I am looking forward to hearing him speak on how depression can be helped with pins and needles.

And remember:  Fun and fellowship in Rotary


President Grahame

