Grahame True with Penny

President 2008-9

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President Electric's Lines

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Welcome back to all! I hope you had a Happy Christmas, restful break and a good start to 2009.

It has been some time since the last electric lines – we had three enjoyable festive occasions in late December. First the clubs Christmas party, well organised by Kevin Freund and his crew. It was interesting to hear two overviews of a family Christmas. Thankyou George and Bradley (the generation cap). It was a night of fellowship in funny hats.

Later that week we enjoyed Carols in the Park. Thanks to Niall, Tony etc etc etc – we all pulled together cooking, selling and show casing Rotary in the community (some money into the coffers as well).  We have received a letter of thanks from Strathfield Council for our efforts.

The childrens Christmas party on the 17th was wonderful, watching them having so much fun with party food, entertainment  and Santa to top it off – great night had by all thanks to Connie and her team.

We received several invitations in December to attend presentation day assemblies at local schools and I would like to thank the Rotarians who were able to present the Citizenship Awards for us. I was able to attend Charmers Rd School and was made very welcome.

The literacy packs that were put together by a number of Rotarians at the end of last year were delivered to Sharon Bond our District Vocational Service Chair for distribution. Sharon received them with enthusiasm and has asked that I pass on her thanks.

We have had two informal nights this year – the Liu Rose restaurant on the 7th only a small group but great cuisine, thanks Steve. On the 14th seafood and bowls – starting the year with some ‘exercise’ thanks to Kevin Freund. 

Tonight on the tables, courtesy of our recent exchange student extraordinaire Laura, are French chocolates. She sent Christmas greetings, the card is on the treasurers table for you all to read.

It is a new year and I trust you have returned refreshed. To my surprise I have already passed the half way point in my term and I am still having fun.

I would like to see if we could have full support in this next six months of activities.

·         Try to attend weekly meetings

·         ‘Dinner at the Duxbury’s’ – 14th February

·         Trish Charity golf day – 19th February

·         Car trial “to an exotic destination’ – 22nd March

We are putting our heads together to organise a ‘Fun- raiser’ at the Strathfield Town Hall on the 9th May so please keep this day free. We hope to organise a great night but we will need enthusiasm.

Unfortunately not too many Aussies in the tennis but definitely worth watching!

Game, Set, Match

Remember:  Fun and fellowship in Rotary


President Grahame

