Grahame True with Penny

President 2007-8

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President Electric's Lines

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Last week we had Nick Gleeson accompanied by Janey Bloomfield from Vision Australia. It never ceases to amaze me how people we perceive having a disability live a most productive and positive life. Hopefully we will be presenting Vision Australia (Children’s Programmes) with a cheque at the end of the Rotary year.

I am pleasantly surprised that we are raising a good amount of money from the raffles and sergeant sessions each week (thanks to the great work of Keith, Doug and Terry) and all done whilst having a good time. It is really quite unbelievable that with an average of 36 Rotarians each week that these amounts can be “extracted”! Unfortunately it seems to be the same ones putting their hands into their pockets. Just imagine if we had a reasonable attendance from our 68 members how much we would raise and have available to donate to charities.

November is Rotary Foundation month. The Rotary Foundation is a vehicle for fighting hunger, poverty, disease and illiteracy around the world and we should all look towards ways to support foundation projects.

Peter Van der Sleesen is pushing forward with two RYLA applications – we wish them the best.

It is wonderful to hear that each time the 0TEN web page (click) is accessed it is headed with a photo and spiel on the award our club presented to their teacher Raymund Banister on the Pride of Workmanship evening.

The club has sent Eve a floral arrangement to help cheer her up during her convalescence.

Penny and I are looking forward to another of Steve Taylor’s gourmet fellowship nights on Thursday, having previously tasted the Asian delights with Steve we have now moved onto continental cuisine – bon appétit!

Thankyou to everyone who has volunteered to help Peter Van der Sleesen on Friday with RYDA. Should you wish to help it is not too late.

Remember:  Fun and fellowship in Rotary


President Grahame

