Grahame True with Penny

President 2007-8

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President Electric's Lines

Wednesday 8 October 2008

A fine speaker in Lewis Rangott last Wednesday night providing us with a good insight into the workings of I.C.A.C – but a worry that he had come across my name in relation to a person he was investigating – I of course was all clear.

Brian Johnson said his farewells last Wednesday night. We will miss him from Rotary but his efforts will be well received at the Orange club. On a personal note I will miss him as a good friend just a stones throw away, but we will be commuting regularly to Orange. I am sure everyone will be welcomed with open arms.

October is breast cancer awareness month and there are many products available to purchase where some of the purchase price is donated towards cancer research, perhaps we could all look out for these.

Congratulations to Rotary Downunder on its 500th issue. I enjoy my copy regularly and reading of the goings on of other clubs in our part of the world. There are always feel good stories of the way our fellow Rotarians serve the community.

Our Pride of Workmanship evening is coming up on the 29th October – it is a partner’s night and I hope for a good attendance to congratulate the awardees. Don’t forget the trivia night on the 28th November - Bert and his team are working hard to arrange a fun night, so grab your friends, family and neighbours and make up a table. If you can’t manage a table Bert will organise one for you.

A good Rotarian Eve Dutton had a fall last Thursday and broke her leg. Eve is in Concord hospital this week and then onto rehab. I hope she recovers well and we see her back on her feet soon.

I trust you all were able to take a break over the long weekend and recharge your batteries - I certainly did!

Remember:  Fun and fellowship in Rotary

President Grahame

