Brian Johnson with Janet

President 2007-8

Rotary Club of Strathfield

 President's Blueprint

Wednesday 11 June 2008

For those who missed last weeks meeting we enjoyed guest speaker Colin Emerson, motivational speaker.

Looking forward to this week’s job talk by Neil Kennan, and Soraya Campagna reporting on her week at National Youth Science Forum. Also the Club will be presenting a cheque for $ 14,111.00 (money raised at the Gala Fundraiser) to Jann Kingston, CEO of Royal Far West Children’s Health Scheme on the night.

I believe the State of Origin is on again so the meeting should finish on time, if not earlier.

Remember fellows it is only two weeks (27th June) to Club Changeover.

District Changeover is on Saturday night 28th June at Panthers World of Entertainment, Mulgoa Rd Penrith, 6.30 for 7.00pm. The cost is $45.00 per person. RSVP 18th June.

“Service Above Self”.

President Brian

