Rotary Club of Strathfield

President Peter Smith's Column

Wednesday 21July 2010

Well my first Club Assembly, as President, last week provided much constructive criticism – in particularly in regard to our membership numbers and the declining attendance at dinner meetings.

Elsewhere in the bulletin will be a more detailed report on the evening – the views and opinions expressed will give the Board a good idea in where our energies should be directed.

However, membership and participation should not be solely the responsibility of the President and/or the Board – we, as members of Strathfield Rotary, all have to take an active part in retaining members and finding and introducing new members to our club.

As mentioned, at the club assembly, it is proposed that we hold “theme” (for want of a better word) nights during the year. We will initially concentrate on an Accountants night where we will have a high profile professional from the accountancy or insolvency field – and then invite all the local accountants to attend (maybe be as our guests?). We would then perhaps have a solicitors night, a medico night etc. And why not a "neighbours night"? - where every member has to invite a potential member from their own street or near neighbourhood.

Also as explained last week the club’s weekly bulletin has had to undergo a facelift – the bulletin as prepared and presented by Trevor Duxbury was a first class production – it was very professional and was extremely well received by the members. However, it was also time consuming to produce. Estimates will vary but I am confident that no less than 10 hours per week into its production (Trevor was ably supported by a number of sub-editors and reporting staff). Darrell Slater, our Club Services Director, having approached a number of Rotarians to undertake producing the bulletin, without success, had no other alternative but to produce it himself. Darrell will ensure that the bulletin will stay relevant and timely – albeit in a reduced format. However, if there is anyone out there who is prepared to help ............ please put your hand up!

Our guest speaker this evening is Rick Brown who will speak on education in Uganda and in particular his hands-on role in building a much needed new school for the young Ugandans. Please make Rick welcome.

President Pete


