President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 29July 2009


The second anniversary of the passing of Past President Euan Watson was commemorated with a “Remembrance Ride” to Brighton on Sunday, when a colourful group of “Lycra Boys”, provided the opportunity for some good fellowship on one of Euan’s favourite rides. Click the picture to enlarge

District Governor, Paul Reid, in his first newsletter (click), has put particular emphasis on literacy programs during his year and is encouraging clubs to make an impact in this area. I feel that our club has the potential to provide wider support, gained from our ongoing experience in the Literacy Extension Program with Strathfield Girls High School.

I would also encourage members to visit and explore the District website at or by simply clicking on the links through our own website (click), to witness what is happening throughout our district, and if you feel areas where we can contribute information, I am confident that we will receive a favourable response.

At last week’s meeting we learnt a great deal about two of our members, Doug Potter and Godfrey Isouard, in our initial Rotary Revelations for the year, and I am sure we all gained a better insight into the vocational depth and diversity of our club.

President Kevin

