President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Wednesday 19 May "Creating Health" Fiona Plant


I came away from our meeting last week with the echo of PP Joe Saad’s often stated quotation “It’s great to be a Rotarian”, pulsing through my body.

It was a special night, with everything that is good about Rotary on display as the evening unfolded.


Congratulations to Connie Galletta, being recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow, and responding with a moving acceptance speech that was straight from the heart.


Peter Manenti provided all those in attendance an inspirational and entertaining presentation on his Rotary experiences.


Peter Foss was dynamic and resourceful as Sergeant, while Dave Martin, Allan Teale and George Helou extracted valuable resources conducting the raffle, which provided a great array of prizes to the lucky winners.


The club was able to present a cheque, accepted by Carol Langsford, for $52,135.00 to The Trish MS Research Foundation, from the proceeds of our Charity Golf Day.


Our club was also able to provide cheques totaling $5,000.00 to The Rotary Foundation for The Annual Programs Fund Goal and The US$200 Million Challenge Goal for Polio Eradication. The cheques were accepted by Keith Roffey, our zone’s Assistant Governor, who, the following day was selected to be the 9690 District Governor 2012-2013. The future of our District is certainly in good hands, and our club’s congratulations have been conveyed to Keith and Margaret.


The evening concluded with an insightful and entertaining presentation from Belinda Noonan, and her work adventures at the Vancouver Winter Olympics.


I would like to thank, Anuradha Kamkolkar, Peter Smith, Peter van der Sleesen and Kevin Beltrame, for driving and chaperoning students to the RYPEN Camp on Friday and Harley & Megan Tarrant for being available if required.  


We are fast approaching the changeover season with the 9690 District Changeover, from DG Paul Reid to DGE Marilyn Mercer, being held on Sunday July 11th, at The Richmond Club, corner Francis and East Market Streets, Richmond, 12Noon for 12.30pm start.  I am hoping our club will be well represented and members wishing to attend can contact me before 25th June.


Remember, we have two big events also, over the next few weeks, Ted Ingall’s 50 Years in Rotary Night, on Friday 28th May and our Club Changeover on Friday 25th June, both at Strathfield Golf Club.


Tonight we welcome Fiona Plant, to talk on that most important topic of good health.







President Kevin
