President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 9 September 2009

It was indeed sad news received on Sunday on the passing of Lilian Pickett, wife of PDG Harry Pickett of Burwood Club and mother of Janice Vince, Valda Bray, of Springwood Club, and Graham Pickett.

Lilian shared in many occasions at our club ever since Harry as District Governor in 1970-1971 charted Strathfield and she was always forthright and charming in expressing her opinions. She leaves us with many memories that will be ours to cherish always, and our thoughts are with Harry, Janice & Roger, Valda, Graham and their families.

Doug Potter has advised that his daughter, Emma, was operated on Thursday for breast cancer in Brisbane and will start chemotherapy shortly. Our thoughts are with Doug, Olga and his family for a successful outcome.

At last week’s meeting our Assistant Governor, Keith Roffey, enlightened us on what is happening in our district and the programs and goals of Rotary International President John Kenny and District Governor Paul Reid.

Keith assured us that there is always advice and support available at district level, and he encouraged members to consider attending the Rotary Leadership Institute Program, a course that provides Rotarians with potential for future club leadership with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills so important in voluntary organizations.

Tonight we welcome Dr Julie Greenhalgh, Principal Meriden College, speaking on a very important subject, “Raising Children in a Negative World.”

President Kevin.

