President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Our guest speaker last week, Domini Stuart, certainly captured the attention of everyone in attendance, sharing her personal life experiences and her ability to overcome adversity and remain positive.

Her life experiences have taught her a great deal about physical and emotional resilience and how to cope with the inevitable challenges we face during life.

As a member of a club who has always strongly supported youth activities I was delighted to hear that representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation approved an enactment, on 28th April, to add a Fifth Avenue of Rotary Service : New Generations.

New Generations joins Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service and International Service as the foundation of club activity, and recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities.

On the subject of youth I would like to thank, Kevin Beltrame, Bradley Ayres, Arthur Crossan, Connie Galletta, Ted Ingall, Rod McDougall, Peter Smith, Keith Stockall, Allan Teale, Roger Vince and Janelle Watson for volunteering to be chaperones at the Meriden Interact Dance on this Friday 7th May.

A reminder that our meeting next week is a Partners Night, 6.30pm for 7.00pm start, and we are encouraging all members to invite potential new members because our intention is to enjoy a special night with a wonderful guest speaker, Belinda Noonan, and a few surprises.

I would like to wish all our mothers all the joy and happiness they richly deserve, not only on Mothers Day but throughout this and every year.

Tonight we welcome Alice Wang and Sophie Xiao from New Tang Dynasty Television Australia, who will provide us details of their vision in reviving the best of traditional Chinese performing arts, as demonstrated the Australian visit of Shen Yun Performing Arts and bringing it to audiences around the world.


President Kevin
