President Kevin and his wife Rotarian Suzanne Freund

President Kevin Freund and his wife Suzanne

Rotary Club of Strathfield

Kev's Conveyances

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Fellowship was the theme for our evening to celebrate Ted Ingall’s 50 years in Rotary last Friday night and it was certainly in abundance throughout the night with a wonderful response from the 143 people in attendance.

We had members from 14 Rotary Clubs, together with many family members and friends from Ted’s time in Rotary, all contributing to the success of the night.

The large attendance was testimony to the esteem in which Ted is held throughout Rotary and the community, and it was delight to witness the joy expressed by Mary Ingall, when Ted recognised her shared purpose and contribution to his Rotary life with a Paul Harris Fellow.

Congratulations Mary, for providing great strength and support to Ted at all times.

The success of the evening was a result of the efforts and contributions of a group of people who deserve special mention.

John Leftwich, was once again superb as our Master of Ceremonies, setting the fellowship tone from the start and creating warmth that was maintained throughout the night.

Rod & Maree McDougall worked for many hours to provide a special souvenir program for the occasion, which I am sure, will be a collector’s item for years to come.

Ted’s sons Brian & David provided great insights and revelations about the family side of Ted.

We were fortunate to have as our guest speaker, Tim Dugan, CEO LifeHouse at RPA, who expressed how the Chris O’Brien Cancer Centre, will transform the treatment of cancer and bring hope to the lives of patients, their carers and families.

Allan Petersen provided an entertaining and vibrant sergeant session followed by Peter Foss igniting the audience to roast Ted.

George Helou again provided great items for our auction and raffle.

And finally I would like to thank Keith Stockall, Connie Galletta, Shirley Del Prado and Kevin Beltrame for their effort on the Treasurer’s Table in providing a smooth flow for entry on the night.

I am happy to announce that $4,310.00 was raised on the night, and we will add funds collected from our recent weekly raffles to provide a significant amount at our changeover meeting to LifeHouse at RPA.

Extra thanks must go to Kevin Beltrame, Connie Galletta, Anuradha Kamkolkar, Peter Smith, Keith Stockall and Harley Tarrant who performed chaperone duties for RYDA at Penrith, during Friday, for St Patrick’s College, before attending Ted’s Dinner.

It was great to be involved with a number of our members on Saturday at Concord Oval, enjoying the Rugby, thanks to Doug Potter and then again on Sunday providing drivers and accounting assistance with the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, co-coordinated by Peter Smith and the Hallworth Family.

Strathfield Rotary has certainly been creating awareness, action and service throughout the community over the past few weeks.


President Kevin
